The flipbook offers insights, reflections, stories, research, and practical guides, on game-based learning gathered from the project Mind the Game or Game the Mind.
“This small book can flip and vibe with you if you also take courage to apply game in education and learning. In other words it’s an alive script of what was raised up as a result of reflection, mutual learning and stories of people journeying alongside us. Enjoy your reading or flipping, and feel invited to be a part of our community of practice inspired by game, play and innovative learning. Welcome to the Mind the Game Flipbook!”
Editor: Maksim Smekhov
Authors: Bětka Wójcik, Julian Czurko, Linda Frankenthal, Maxim Smekhov, Pavel Vassiljev, Rodrigo Eyzaguirre, Selene Streich
Visual facilitation and recording of the pilot activities: Olalla Gonzalez Dominguez
Photos: Daniel Kiermut;Unsplash
Design: Anastasia Skosyrskaya
The current flipbook is part of the Erasmus small-scale partnerships in youth work: “Mind the Game or Game the Mind: Rethinking Gamification as an Educational Approach in Youth Work and Citizenship Education” and is brought to life by a collaboration of partner organizations: Commit by MitOst gGmbH, Shokkin Group, and Galicyjska Fundacja Rozwój i Edukacja and supported by Erasmus+ program.